Medicare Online - DVA - Allied
Medicare ECLIPSE for In-Patient Health Fund Claims
Tyro Easyclaim - Tyro EFTPOS - Tyro HealthPoint
MIMS Integrated and eRX

SAAS Medical Systems
Software as a Service Cloud Practice Management
Australian Medical Practice Management System
Full-Featured Cloud Medical Practice Management for Clinics, General Practitioners, Specialists, Allied Health and Ancillary Providers
About SaaS Medical Systems
SAAS Medical Systems are an Australian software vendor, specialising in Software As A Service for doctors and allied service providers.
A modern Cross-Platform Medical Practice Management System.
Windows and Web - the best of both worlds.
SaaS Medical Systems is Cross-Platform - providing Windows Applications - Web Applications - and mobile apps.
Need access to your Patient Medical Records when you are not in your surgery?
Are you a doctor or specialist who works from several locations?
Work from your own laptop, or from any browser, anywhere, anytime.
Integrated with Medicare Online
Medicare Online capabilities for Bulk Billing, DVA, and Patient Claims.
Easy receipting and reconciliation of Medicare payments.
Online Patient Verification, direct bill and claim at the same time, or batch claims at the end of day.
Implement a Windows Client/Server system in your practice and pay only for the support and services that you want.
Basic Support (email only) is also free. Standard and Premium support packages available.
Add a PMSWeb subscription at any time. On-line web access is available for low monthly rates.
What is Cross-Platform and Why is it Important?
The SaaS Medical Practice Management System is built with Cross-Platform Technology.
Simply what this means is that it runs either on Windows or the Web.
The Web application is not a “Windows” application hosted on the Web with Citrix or similar – but is atrue browser-based application that you can run from any browser on any device (e.g. an iPad or a Sumsung Android tablet).
However, the Windows application and the Web application use the same code for everything except for the user interface.
This means – that with a hosted database – you are using the same Practice Management System if you use the Windows application or the Web application.
The SaaS Medical Systems Cross-Platform approach provides many advantages.
You can work with a laptop, integrating with Excel, Microsoft Word, and all your other Windows-based programs.
When you leave the office you can continue where you left off using a secure login from any web browser.
No need to carry your laptop. All the data and the Practice Management functionality is exactly the same.
The Web interface is responsive and provides most of the same functionality as the windows application.
For busy offices, practice staff are often adept at using an array of Windows-based systems and software (i.e. all data and reports in SaaS Medical Systems can be instantly exported to Excel and Microsoft Word when compiling financial analysis reports etc.) – and it may be far more efficient using Word on Windows rather than a web browser.
The power of the PC cannot be ignored - and not everything that is currently done on a PC can be done as easily with a web browser interface (not yet, at least!)
SaaS Medical enables you to simply configure the Windows application to access the same hosted database. This provides the best of both worlds! You can have confidence moving to a 'Cloud Based' Practice' with the assurance that you still have a powerful Windows based client-server system.
The advantages of a Cloud Practice Management System are many – but with the SaaS Medical Cross-Platform approach – you have the power of a PC application when you need it - as well as the convenience of using an iPad or Android tablet - or any web browser anywhere - when it suits.