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SAAS Medical Systems
Software as a Service Cloud Practice Management
Australian Medical Practice Management System
Full-Featured Cloud Medical Practice Management for Clinics, General Practitioners, Specialists, Allied Health and Ancillary Providers
Pathology Requests and Results

The Pathology module provides Pathology Ordering and facilities for automatic downloading and integrating Pathology Results in most industry standard formats (e.g. PIT and HL7) and importing results to the patient's medical record.

Pathology Requests can be printed on Pathology Stationery or 'plain paper' Pathology Request templates where the Pathology Laboratory makes these available.
Pathology Requests can be given directly to the patient, or emailed if this is supported by the Pathology Lab.
Pathology Template Library for Plain Paper or Pathology Stationery.
Print request forms on plain paper - or use overtype on Pathology Lab stationery if preferred.

Pathology Results can be imported and attached to the patient medical record once they have been downloaded. HL7 and PIT formats are supported.
SAAS Medical Systems cannot provide a pathology or radiology downloading system.
The results must be downloaded with am interface system provided either by the Pathology Provider or another 3rd party system (e.g. Fetch which is provided by Sonic).
Once the downloading system is installed, SAAS Desktop is configured to import the downloaded files (normally HL7 although legacy PIT format can also be imported).
HL7 Results can be imported and attached to the patient medical record. HL7 and PIT formats are supported.

Imported Results are initially held as PENDING ACCEPTANCE until the Results have been confirmed as correctly matched with the Patient.
Results received in HL7 format are converted to database records utilising the SAAS Medical Systems HL7 Interface Engine
Results will not appear in the patient’s medical record until the doctor or an administration staff member has processed the result via the Review Results Received - Pending Acceptance facility.

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SAAS Medical Systems can eliminate most of the complexities of running a Practice Management System. No Servers to take care of - all backups and updates to reference data (Medicare, MIMS Data, Clinical Coding Systems) are all managed for you.
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